Spending on marketing can be tough to justify. Many times we spend on marketing because "it's worked in the past." New options, like Facebook, Twitter, Google Search, even texting, are half-respected, half-questioned. That's understandable. In a small business there are so so many things to worry about. We were never compleeetely sure those newspaper and radio ads brought in more than they cost, but at least we knew them.
My own Dad operates a small business. He's always been a little ahead of his competition in the technology realm, so I wasn't surprised to hear he was spending on SEO and some other web programs for the business a few years ago. Still, in conversations, I could tell he was skeptical about the value of a Facebook Ad, a follower, a like or a comment.
"How is it helping me? What do I do to improve? I just don't understand it."
Today I've repeatedly heard how irrelevant my department has become. Why do we have agents, the 00 section, isn't it all rather quaint?Well I suppose I see a different world than you do. And the truth is that what I see frightens me. I'm frightened because our enemies are no longer known to us, they do not exist on a map, they're not nations, they're individuals, and look around you, who do you fear? Can you see a face, a uniform, a flag? No. Our world is not more transparent now, it's more opaque. It's in the shadows. That's where we must do battle. So before you declare us irrelevant ask yourselves: How safe do you feel?
Thank you, M. Our customers aren't enemies like Javier Bardem, but they are in the shadows, making decisions away from our influence. Before our friendly service has a chance to influence them they're knee deep in customer reviews on Google, Yelp, FourSquare, UrbanSpoon, Facebook, and more. Google calls this moment of search the Zero Moment of Truth. All of that copy we wrote, all those clever phrases, that's all on one search result in a local Google search that brings up our business. The rest of the results? 2-200? Those words were written by experienced customers, just like the one searching at home. They're knowledgable, they're trusted, and they're still talking.
Someone searching for something we can offer can't be expected to give us the benefit of the doubt if we have no reviews, or even worse, a few very poor reviews and nothing positive. When competitors look better on paper, they're perceived better in the search.
The good knows is there is something you can do. You can control what people find when they search. Sure, you will have unhappy customers, and they may leave unfavorable reviews, but by claiming your business on the networks and making social a real part of your operations you'll get new reviews, better receptions, and more customers.
Claim your business on the networks. Fill out the information. Add photos of your products, your services, whatever it is your customers enjoy. The beautiful thing about a local business is how well they understand the area. Somehow, your business fits into that area. It could be in a big way or a small way, but it has its place. Use social to stake claim to your service to the area, let your customers and friends market for you, and have fun with it!
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