-Ole Kirk Kristiansen, Founder
A wooden toy. A wooden brick.
A plastic brick. A plastic figure.
A billion plastic bricks. A million plastic figures.
480 billion plastic bricks. 400 million plastic figures.
Movie stars. Business Consultants. Astronauts. Educators. Theme Parks.
A Universe.
All rooted in a single value, that "only the best is good enough", LEGO Group operates in 130 countries, selling 7 LEGO sets every second. Has any other brand challenged the imagination of so many children? Disney? No way. There are 915 million ways to connect 6 eight-stud bricks. Nine hundred and fifteen million possibilities for a kid with 6 plastic bricks. They're universal, meaning the Star-Wars sets will connect to the Marvel sets, and Marvel to Hobbit, and Hobbit to Space, and Space to Minecraft, and so on. From the same brick that was created using ABS Polymer in 1959 LEGO has built educational opportunities for kids to advance in science in math, a business consulting strategy and a movie that's grossed over $100 million in its first 3 weeks.
How is it possible?
Top-Notch Manufacturing Efficiency: Just 18 bricks out of every million fail the process.
Good Friends: LEGO Group sold its Parks segment and is a popular licenser of its figures and brand name to game developers, film studios and other experienced designers of developing digital opportunities.
No Identity Crisis Here: Since introducing the plastic brick LEGO has sold only 1 other product: plastic figures complementary to the plastic bricks. LEGO Group has worked to milk its successful lines rather than develop new products altogether. The strategy has resulted in a universality of creativity.
Customer Relationships
Community of Imagineers
LEGO.com: Games, stories and experiences. Digital HQ.LEGO Club: For the 6-12 Customer Segment. Share pictures of inventions.
LEGO Design byME: Build virtual LEGO Models.
LEGO Inside Tour: Twice a year exclusive visits to LEGO Group Headquarters.
Adult LEGO fans: Fan-created groups to share their LEGO hobby. 55,000 registered members.
LEGO Ambassadors: Improve relationship between LEGO Group and LEGO mega-fans.
LEGO Education: Learning tools for students of science and math.
First LEGO League: Kids 9-16 compete in a tournament to create robots that solve problems.
Reading the LEGO story was a jaw dropper for myself. The family knew what they wanted to do for kids. They knew quality had to be the best. They set values (no military figures because "war is not child's play") and never let them go. The result is a new language of creativity shared by kids in Japan and retirees in Cabo. Worldwide collaboration.
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